Friday, August 05, 2005

I never noticed before, but it seems the flags of Romania and Belgium are almost identical. Its not like they have much else in common.

Ancestral home of Count Dracula and assorted undead misfits. More recently home to one of the most evil dictators of the past hundred odd years. Play football with more flair than yer average east european team. Hate being mistaken for hungarians.

Home to a bunch of useless bureacrats. Good chocs, if you like 'em. Great beer, if you like gettin wasted. Play football with as much flair as a doorstop (Scifo excluded - with a name like that he should be italian anyway). Hate being mistaken for the french, but deserve it.

Now, if I was either Romanian or Belgian I'd probably be pretty pissed off about these stereotypical generalizations. But between them they've only visited the blog twice, so I'm not too worried.


NYPinTA said...

Isn't the Italian flag and the Irish flag the same only switched around?

MoMo said...

Apparently no one from either Italy or Ireland has visited the blog and left their little flags (bastards!) so I'll have to assume you're right.

Herge Smith said...

Belgium is also some to that weird atom thing - the atomatarian or something that sounds suspiciously like it should be in the Simpsons.

Hey, leaving comments and then deleting them? Why'd you do that? It was a perfectly valid comment... plus I had a good response which I can't use now... it was a nice response as well... oh dear.

MoMo said...

Oops! You read it. It was meant as a joke but I thought your interviewee might not appreciate it. To make up for it I'm gonna visit his trivial tues post.

NYPinTA said... I'll have to assume you're right. It's a good general rule to follow. Always assume I am right. ;D

Herge Smith said...

B'ah - you should have left it, I thought it was funny.

Spirit Of Owl said...

People have downright stolen our Great British flag and the very colours from it all over the dashed place. Damnable cheek. Simply not cricket.

Kat said...

I enjoyed this post when I read it on Fri, Mon, Tues, & even a little today....I'm now ready for some fresh perspective and wit.

The Pryncess has spoken.

MoMo said...

LOL! I'll try yer royal highness - can't guarantee either perspective or wit tho!

Herge Smith said...

Post post post!!

SeizeTheNite said...

Romanians know how to party.
At least in my experience...

MoMo said...

herge - blimey guvna, 'old yer 'orses!
stn - more than can be said of belgians.

Jenn said...

thanks cali- i was looking for the spelling of "bureacrats" and no matter how i butchered it i could not get a suggestion from my spell check or dictionary dot com... what... i was suppose to look in a real dictionary? Nah I knew you'd use the word at some point.