Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Madagascar (sp.)

I'm Mad As Hell and I'm moving to Madasgascar.


Herge Smith said...

Is that the white bit?

Why? what happened?

Is it all these Supreme Court Judges stuff? Has it got you down?

SeizeTheNite said...

Why Madasgascar?
And why are you mad as hell?
I can throw a can of tuna at someone if you'd like!

MoMo said...

LOL! Super-tuna-can-woman strikes again! Actually i could give you some names but they're mostly in D.C. and I don't think you can throw that far. Besides you'd probably get into quite a bit of trouble.
Why? Why not?
Nah, I'm not really that mad.
Though the Supreme Court Judges stuff is enough to drive anyone crazy.

SuperP. said...

Be careful. I had a dream about Madagascar once. Are you taking your wife?