Thursday, July 28, 2005

Who took the bomp from the bompalompalomp?

"How many times have you bust, Jane?"
"I don't know, I don't think I have yet," replied the dealer with an apologetic smile.
I think she was right. But it came as no surprise. The previous night had seen the start of a quite impressive losing streak, one which I'm sure would have contended for some kind of record, had it been recorded. Yet all around me seemed to be raking in the chips like the clean up guy in a Pringles factory. For instance,
"You sure you want to split them?" asked the dealer looking at the pair of two's in front of the guy to my right, then at her ten.
"Ummm, yes, I think so..."
Needless to say he won both hands after she (and I) went bust. But this was how it went all night.I was finally persuaded to quit after losing my last two chips to consecutive blackjacks.
I consoled myself with "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". Or so I very much hoped.

My mood level was elevated (lets say to pink on a totally arbitrary and meaningless color scale) when, while walking through Mandalay Bay, I discovered that Le Tigre were playing that very night at the House of Blues. Woohoo!
They totally ROCKED! And the delicious irony of seeing them play in Vegas made it even sweeter. If you know Le Tigre and you know Las Vegas, I think you'll know what I'm talking about.

In other news there seems to be a veritable dogfight going on for bronze medal position on the counter on the right, between UK and Taiwan. Familiar territory for the brits, but, I suspect, less so for the Taiwanese.

Okay, clearly this is one of those filler posts. Next up, continuation of Fox Force Five!

BTW - what's YOUR take on Cassavettes?
Misogynist? Genius?
Alcoholic? Messiah?


Kat said...

I think Vegas' slogan should be: What's lost in Vegas, stays in Vegas!

If I knew who the Cassa guy was I'd have an answer...I'm just that kind of gal!

I thought LeTigre was a clothing company...I'm soooo uninformed!

SuperP. said...

Cassavettes?? Isn't that a type of brush or bush imported from Sibera?

Herge Smith said...

You lucky devil.

I saw Le Tigre in Brighton (UK) about 3 months ago and they were excellent.

Mind you I'm a total Kathleen Hanna devote anyway.

As for Cassavettes - Misogynist AND Genius.

See you later...

NYPinTA said...

When you were in Vegas, did anyone die in a spectacular yet confusing way? Cuz on TV, that's all that seems to happen there...

SeizeTheNite said...


I'm jealous...

MoMo said...

thx for the comments guys.
2 out of 6 know Le Tigre - guess that's not too bad. I'm pretty sure more than just Herge knows Cassavettes too (Alcoholic Genius - ask Gina about whether he was Misogynist).
Thanks for your first time comment on my blog, Midwest Hick.

West said...

Hey Foxy,

May I just say that is one helluva handsome Fox you have there.



BTW: This is in no way a shamefaced attempt to nudge The UK up the leader board...Taiwan? We'll s**t 'em!