Saturday, April 16, 2005

Q time (via P)

Apparently I don't have a visual memory. Can't come up with "mostest" answers for the pic Q's, representatives are;

What picture has brought to you the most joy?

S on the beach in Costa Rica collecting fallen almonds

What picture has brought to you the most introspection?
sunset CR
Sunset over the Pacific (also Costa Rica, but really a generic - could just as well be California or anywhere else looking west)

What picture has brought to you the most sadness?
An old photo of a close family friend taken at our (once) annual family/friends Xmas party, which i came across soon after he died of cancer. Usually the life and soul of the party it was a rare pic of a sad, reflective K, almost as if in anticipation

What picture has brought to you the most laughter?
Any one of many photos of K and our dear friend M (who also died of cancer not so long ago) at same Xmas parties, making everyone else laugh

What picture has brought to you the most frustration?

What song will always make you cry?
Anything by Good Charlotte. (I could have picked any one of a number pathetically lame artists/bands but I picked them because, well, I can)

What song will always make you dance?
Return of Forever - High Contrast

What song will always make you drive really, really fast?
Suburban Train - Tiesto; very loud, very fast

What song brings your best (in order to narrow the selection) outdoor memory?
Purple Haze - Jimi

What are you listening to right now?
In the Waiting Line - Zero 7

What book was last given to you by someone else?
"Looking for Spinoza. (Joy, Sorrow and the Feeling Brain)." - Antonio Damasio

What book did you last refer to someone else?
"White Teeth" - Zadie Smith

What book will you keep with you always?
My PowerBook

Where do you like to be quiet?
In the kitchen when pouring another drink

Where do you like to be loud?
In the car

What is your favorite fruit juice?
Fresh grapefruit

I tag; Nelson Mandela, Trent Rasner, Stephen Hawkins and Lisa Simpson


Jojo said...

HOLY SHIT! A PICTURE!... no it's not Steve but it IS his beautiful wife. Wow.

MoMo said...

HOLY SHIT! JoJo's back online!

SuperP. said...

Wow! That was excellent! Your wife is GORGEOUS! And, your answers were great! And, funny. And, they have given you some dimension.

I am so baffled by your resume versus your musical tastes. But, I am not so baffled that I'll keep on about it. Obviously you must have been a child genius, because you're wife looks young and sweet and hot!

Carrie said...

nice pictures Steve. Or is it Sigmund?

NYPinTA said...

"Where do you like to be loud?
In the car"

LOL. I sing in the car when I'm stressed. Really really loud.

I feel sorry for my car. ;)